Saturday, December 11, 2010

Burning Bridges

My 2nd wife and I were married for almost 10 years. From 1993 to 2002.

The life-long friends that I brought into the marriage, friends dating back to high school and even grade school, became part of our network of shared relationships.

When she betrayed the trust in our relationship with one of the members of that network, our marriage imploded and never recovered. We divorced.

In my opinion, you only get one shot at trust. When it's betrayed, it's gone forever.

In the aftermath of the divorce, I made a conscious decision to make a clean break with everything and everyone in my life that had existed prior to that.

The only exemptions were my daughter and my first wife.

Everyone else was dead to me.

Occasionally, someone from the Old Days will find me and want to reconnect.

Sadly, it's generally people who had nothing to do with "The Unpleasantness" and are innocent.

But a clean break is a clean break and I have no desire to reconnect with anyone and take any walks down Memory Lane.

So here's the rule.

If we were friends prior to 2002, we're probably not friends any more and we never will be again.

It's not your fault, you didn't do anything wrong, it's just a personal choice I've made.

I have new friends now.

I'll never go back.

Good Bye, Good Luck and have a nice life.

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