Wednesday, March 30, 2011

If You Have "Animal Companions" (Pets), You Are Guilty Of Animal Cruelty

Jesus! This is going to piss off a lot of my friends and alienate a lot of my followers.

But it has to be said.

Your pets don't need you. Your pets don't "love" you. At best, your pets are addicted to you and you are their enabler.

The symbiotic relationship between primates and canines began somewhere between 10,000 - 2,000 B.C.E.

"During the most recent ice age, from about 20,000 years ago (see Ice Ages), large mammals such as bison roam on the sub-arctic tundra of Europe and Asia. They are preyed upon by two groups of hunters, both much smaller and weaker than themselves - but both with a sufficiently developed social system to enable them to hunt and kill in packs.

These hunters are humans and wolves.

The typical pack of wolves and of humans is surprisingly similar. It it is family-based, led by a dominant male whose female partner is likely to have an authority second only to his. Members of the group are friendly to each other but deeply suspicious of outsiders. All members (not just the parents) are protective of the newly born and the young. Both species are good at interpreting the moods of others in the group, whether through facial expression or other forms of body language.

Legend acknowledges these shared characteristics in stories of children suckled by wolves. The other side of the same coin, in real life, means that wolf cubs adapt easily to life among humans.

For mutual benefit

Humans and wolves are competing for the same prey, but there are advantages for both in teaming up. For the wolf, human ingenuity and the use of weapons mean a share in a greater number of kills - and perhaps even an occasional taste of larger victims, such as mammoth. For humans, the wolf's speed and ferocity is equivalent to a new weapon.

The partnership is natural.

Read more:"

We spent the last 20,000 years cruelly and selfishly breeding survival skills out of our "animal companions" in favor or docility and cuteness.

Canines used to look like this.

Thanks to human "kindness" and our "domestication", now they look like this.

The ancestors of our house cats were more than capable of fending for themselves.

Not anymore.

But here is the thing.

If humans disappeared tomorrow, cats and dogs will be just fine. The teeth, claws, speed and ferocity that allowed canines and felines to survive before we came along and fucked them up will once again rise to the top.

Oh, it will be brutal, there will be much carnage, and many human-contrived species will be eliminated in short order. Dachshunds will go quickly. We bred their legs too short to run from predators.

But the point is, not only do canines and felines not need us, we are actively holding them back and hampering their survival skills by pampering them spoiling them and giving the ridonckulous levels of health care.

I remember walking out into the woods with one of my best friends and one of his favorite, terminally ill, hunting dogs so he could put a merciful bullet into his head to prevent him from suffering.

These days people subject their pets to chemo-therapy, radiation, special diets, artificial limbs, organ transplants, blood transfusions and expensive medications.

Really? Seriously?

Fuck, I'm a human and I don't even want that much intervention.

If I have a painful, in-grown hair? Pull the fucking plug! I have no desire to bankrupt my family to prevent my suffering. I don't care what the ailment is, if the treatment is expensive, long, barbaric and painful? Walk me out into the woods and put a bullet through my head.

You are torturing your animals and needlessly bankrupting yourself with your "kindness".

Let animals be animals.

Put "Mother Nature" back in control and quit buying boats for Vets.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

So This Happened

I'm doing my thing today, scanning headlines, keeping up with news and opinion. Mostly international and national stuff.

Local politics bores the fuck out of me. Local politics is like watching little kids fight over who gets to eat the cat shit in the sand box.

I'm seeing these articles from Right Wing Fucktards like John Bolton, Karl Rove and William Kristol about how President Obama has been "dithering" over Libya.

That's the Krazy Klown Kollege talking point Buzzword Of The Day. Dithering.

Obama is a "Ditherer".

John "Got Milk?" Bolton said it.

Krazy Karl Rove said it. Dithering!

William "Wild Bill" Kristol, in an article he apparently wrote next Monday and was kind enough to send back in time to us, also accuses Obama of "Dithering"!

To paraphrase Inigo Montoya,
"That word you keep using. Dithering. I do not think it means what you think it means."

I think the word they are searching for is deliberating.

It was in this context that I saw that the topic on NPR's "Talk of the Nation" today was "Sussing Out An Emerging Obama Doctrine".

Neal Conan would be discussing the subject with Bob Woodward, associate editor for The Washington Post and half of the Woodward/Bernstein Team that broke the Watergate Scandal and brought down the Nixon Presidency.

So, naturally, I had to fire off an email expressing my opinion on the subject.

Apparently someone on the NPR staff felt it was broadcast-worthy. Here is an excerpt from the transcription of today's broadcast:

"CONAN: Here's an email from Xavier, who writes: President Obama understands something a lot of people don't: Anything America touches is perceived by the rest of the world as being tainted and corrupt.

The only thing people in the Middle East despise more than their totalitarian dictators is us. After all, we bear primary responsibility for keeping those dictators in power by doing business with them.

When there's a popular uprising of people yearning for freedom, the best thing we can do for them is stay out of it and let them fight. As soon as we intervene, it becomes about us, and the freedom fighters are undermined by association with us.

Mr. WOODWARD: That may turn out to be the case, and it may not. If you -there's so much we don't know. If you asked who are the rebels in Libya? What are their names? I mean, there's vague data on it.

You know, apparently six of them are known; 24 or something like that are not known. You know, maybe these are wonderful people and great leaders. Maybe they're not."

You can find the full transcribe here.

You can listen to the full podcast here. Conan reads my email between the 19:09 and 20:09 marks.

Just to wrap this up, I'll point out that the oppressed people of the world aren't looking for us to liberate them.

They want to liberate themselves! Yes, they want what we have. They want freedom. But not at the price that we charge. They want to get it themselves, on their own terms, without owing America a Goddamn thing.

The absolutely worse thing we can do is to "help" them. They don't need or want the help of the people who facilitated their oppression by doing business with their oppressors and keeping them in power.

When we "help" people fighting for their freedom, the rest of the world interprets that as us co-opting the fight for our own political purposes and that delegitimatizes the freedom fighters.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Cancelling Cable TV

I know I'm new to the game on this, but I just did the math today.

My cable TV via Comcast is $126.00 a month.

Here is the breakdown of what I'm getting for that:

Standard Cable, Digital Preferred Channels(?), Music Choice (never use), Interactive Program Guide, Digital Receiver, Remote and On Demand Access = $73.97 a month.

All of the above is low-def shit that I never watch. Why? Because I pay an additional $15.95 for HD/DVR Service which basically duplicates most of the shit I get in low-def but in HD. So I'm paying for channels twice.

Then there is an $8.00 a month "HD Technology Fee". What. The. Fuck. I'm already paying for the Digital Receiver. I'm already paying for the HD Service. What the Hell is this? Sounds a lot like one of those "just because we can" fees. Fuck you.

Then there is the $16.99 for HBO which is the ONLY premium channel I get! But "Big Love" is over and I can get Bill Maher, I'm sure, online somewhere, so I don't really need HBO any more.

They charged me $4.99 for "Machete" On Demand and $5.99 for "Unstoppable" On Demand. Both of which were impulse purchases that I wouldn't have incurred if I didn't have access to Comcast On Demand! So fuck that!

SUMMARY: They are double charging me for the same basic cable channels, once in LD and again in HD, I only get 1 premium channel that I no longer need, and they charge me excessive DVD rental fees for shit I could get for free if I just waited a week.

Now, I already get streaming Netflix and Hulu Plus over my HD PS3 (which is also a Blu Ray DVD player).

My Comcast Internet connection which makes this possible is only $43.00 a month.

I could add a Boxee Box which ALSO provides streaming Netflix plus YouTube, Pandora, Facebook, Flikr, and any internet media format accessible including anything available on your home wireless network ( HD...on 48" Toshiba HD/DLP screen). The Boxee Box is a one time purchase of $199.00 which would run on my existing $43.00 a month Internet Connection.

So, it looks like I can get everything I am getting today, and WAY MORE (HD porn), for an initial investment of $199.00 for which I could save $126.00 a month forever.

The only thing I would loose is being able to watch local news channels in real time.

I have a weather radio. I'm thinking this is a no brainer.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Shoal Creek Museum, Watkin's Woolen Mill

I took 111 pictures today. Here are a few samples I have time to post.

T-Mobile Customers Are About To Be Ass Fucked. No Lube. No Reach Around.

In case you haven't heard, T-Mobile is about to be purchased by THE ABSOLUTE WORST MOBILE PROVIDER ON THE PLANET...AT&T.

Voice your disapproval for this degradation by following @keepawayatt on Twitter and using the hashtag #keepawayatt.

We may not be able to stop the purchase, but lets at least let AT&T how much we think their service SUCKS ASS!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

All My Dreams Have Come True. My Life Is Complete.

Way back in June, 2007 I published a "side by side comparison" between the original Star Trek Communicator and the "modern" (2007) cell phone.

The flip phone won hands down and that was 4 years ago, before Smart Phones and Android.

But now, in the Age of Convergence, all of my dreams have come true. has made my life complete.

I have been wet dreaming about this day since 1966!

Nuclear Energy Isn't Dangerous. Corporate Greed Is.

In the wake of the horrific disasters in Japan, there has been a lot of anti-nuclear hysteria going on.

The general consensus seems to be that we mere, puny humans are no match for Mother Nature and there is no way we could build something inherently "dangerous" as a nuclear power plant that could possibly survive something as powerful as an earthquake.

Well, that's bullshit.

After 7 million years of evolution, we are Homo Fucking Sapiens and we can do whatever the Hell we want to do!

It's not an engineering problem. It's a profitability problem.

"Since its inception in 1948, the U.S. Navy nuclear program has developed 27 different plant designs, installed them in 210 nuclear powered ships, taken 500 reactor cores into operation, and accumulated over 5,400 reactor years of operation and 128,000,000 miles safely steamed. Additionally, 98 nuclear submarines and six nuclear cruisers have been recycled. The U.S. Navy has never experienced a reactor accident."

How can that possibly be when "we all know" that nuclear power is SO DANGEROUS?!?!


The Department of the Navy dosen't build nuclear reactors as cheaply as possible so that they can make a profit by charging naval vessels for the power they use!

The Department of the Navy builds nuclear reactors to be safe and reliable in peace or war. Our Navy is self sufficient. Our Navy doesn't have to rely on the good will of foreign countries to refuel our warships. They can remain at sea for YEARS.

The latest generation of Navy nuclear cores can power a ship for 40-50 years before needing to be replaced.

A modern air craft carrier can carry as many as 8 nuclear power plants.

The Navy knows how to GET SHIT DONE!

So here is the XO Plan For Energy Independence:

Replace every coal fired power plant with clusters of U.S.N. Nuclear Power Plants operated by the Navy.

That's it.

How do we pay for it?

* Get the fuck out of Afghanistan and Iraq (where we never should have been)
* Eliminate Corporate Welfare and Farm Subsidies (Free Market, baby!)
* Legalize marijuana and tax the fuck out of it (Huh? Wha? DOOD!)
* Eliminate the Tax Exemption for "churches" (They provide services and own property in exchange for collecting fees...they are a fucking business...TAX 'EM!)

With the savings from the above changes and the reinvestment of those funds into our new U.S.N. Energy Grid, your home utility bill goes away.

Your tax dollars are now paying for domestic energy generation instead of killing foreigners, jailing stoners, making billionaires richer and subsidising medieval fantasies.

You can recharge your fancy electric car (which is now ACTUALLY Green because the electricity isn't being generated by burning fossil fuels) at Navy Power Stations.

I challenge anyone to explain to me why this wouldn't be better than what we have now.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Central Standard on KCUR 89.3 to Feature Local Bloggers 10am Thursday, March 10

Bloggers with Local Impact

THURSDAY MARCH 10 -- Let's take a look at browser bookmark-worthy local bloggers.
Tony Botello, Tony's Kansas City
Jeff Haught, KC Beer Blog
Celeste Lindell, Average Jane
May, May's Machte
Brent Toellner, Local Blogger

80% of these guests will be intelligent, insightful and entertaining so you should tune in and check them out.

I'll be listening.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Coach Doesn’t Let Birth Get In The Way Of Leading Team To State

This such an extreme case of unbelievably fucked up priorities that words damn near escape me.

Damn near.

"The Lipan (Texas) High girls basketball coach led her team to a regional semifinal victory on Friday, then gave birth to her third child a few hours later. With the regional final scheduled for Saturday, it was assumed that the coach would miss her team's chance to advance to the state playoffs, but Branson had other ideas.

Instead of taking a well-earned day off, Branson returned to the bench on Saturday, leading Lipan to a come-from-behind, 45-41 victory over Newcastle, sending the Indians to the state semifinals for the first time in eight years.

I was pretty tired," an incredibly understated Branson told the Associated Press of her return to the court just hours after giving birth. "I never felt like I couldn't do it. God's been good to me this week."

In fact, Branson's claim that her between-games birth was fated may have something to it. The coach reached a hospital in Abilene, where the regional finals were being played, about 9 p.m., shortly after her team's regional semi victory. By 10 p.m., daughter Leslie had already been born, a labor too quick to even allow for an epidural injection.

Yet, had Branson received that epidural shot, she might not have been able to recover in time to coach the game on Saturday, even though doing so did require her to leave Leslie behind in the hospital for a few hours.

"That was all part of God's plan. If I had the epidural, I might not have been able to make [the game]," Branson said."

Jesus Fucking Christ. This is so fucked up I don't even know where to start!

The woman just gave birth to her child, but she thinks it is OK to leave her newborn daughter behind to go coach a fucking high school basketball game?!?

What kind of fucked up values and priorities elevate a fucking basketball game above, well, anything?

I'm thinking the birth of your own child takes absolute, unprecedented priority above everything else in the world.

Personally, I think the fact that she would elevate a fucking sport, a goddamn high school basketball game, above her own newborn daughter should call in to question her fitness to be a mother.

All sports are just stupid jocks playing games for the entertainment of even dumber and less talented fans.

There is absolutely nothing in this world less important than sports.

They don't feed the hungry, they don't save lives, they don't educate children.

They are the equivalent of the Roman Colosseum games meant to distract the citizens from the actual issues and problems that need to be addressed.

When mothers start viewing their own children as less important than a Goddamn basketball game, our society is doomed.