Friday, May 15, 2009

The Three R's - Respect, Repair and Re-engagement.

When Dubya, Cheney, Rove, Rumsfeld, Addison & Gonzalez and the rest of the Republican Retards were in charge, I posted a lot of angry rants. Because I knew they were destroying everything this country purported to stand for.

And I was right.

They took us from being what they themselves describe as "a shining city upon a hill" to being Minas Morgul.

But when their shit blew up in their face and a majority of the American people elected Barack Obama President and swept Democrats into control of Congress, I breathed a huge sigh of relief and my anger was dissipated.

I am now much calmer and more relaxed. The President is doing everything I expected him to do at the rapid pace that I hoped.

He is working as hard and as fast as he can to completely reverse everything Bush, Jr. put in place and he is going onto the world stage and saying LOUDLY that the past 8 years were an aberration for which we are deeply sorry.

The Bush Years do NOT represent the ideals and aspirations of America.

I have been so happy, that I haven't felt compelled to get involved in political matters at any level.

Local politics? I could give a shit.

There are tons of local blogs who take themselves WAAY too seriously and who seem to be engaged in some political circle-jerk, where the goal is to see who can attract the most anonymous trolls.

Fuck. That.

I'm content to let the amateur, power-player wannabes feed their egos in their tiny, local, fishbowl. It amuses me to watch them try to convince everyone that they are "kind of a big deal" and that anyone should care what they think.

National politics? It's over. We won.

Republicans, conservatives, evangelicals and right-wingers are completely powerless. They are a bunch of limp dicks. And they will be for at least 4 years, probably for 8 years, and quite likely forever.

The more they fume, and spew, and foam at the mouth in righteous indignation, the happier I am.

Because it reinforces the fact that the country is reversing the damaging policies of the past and forging a new direction of Respect, Repair and Re-engagement.

America is back!

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