Thursday, April 30, 2009


"He hopes to have all other Iron Man 2 details locked down — even though he's sending dispatches via Twitter from the set. "It's never easy with summer movies, but we're trying to keep as much a surprise as possible," he says.

That means no new dirt on replacing Terrence Howard with Don Cheadle, or how the crime-fighting team S.H.I.E.L.D. will ultimately come together. Or how he'll work in new characters. Among those signed on for this go-round are Mickey Rourke as Whiplash, Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow and Sam Rockwell as Justin Hammer."

Monday, April 27, 2009

The Obama Administration Screwed Up

That's right. I wrote those words.

I've been criticized by some readers (mostly anonymous trolls whose opinion means as much to me as my ex-wife's, but also some of my cherished, regular, contrarians) for my seemingly blind, unwavering support of the Obama administration. Which is mostly true and I don't apologize for it a bit.

But they fucking screwed the pooch with his move.

"NEW YORK (CNN) -- A White House official apologized Monday after a low-flying Boeing 747 spotted above the Manhattan skyline frightened workers and residents into evacuating buildings.

Witnesses reported seeing the plane circle over the Upper New York Bay near the Statue of Liberty.

"Last week, I approved a mission over New York. I take responsibility for that decision," said Louis Caldera, director of the White House Military Office. "While federal authorities took the proper steps to notify state and local authorities in New York and New Jersey, it's clear that the mission created confusion and disruption."

Witnesses reported seeing the plane circle over the Upper New York Bay near the Statue of Liberty before flying up the Hudson River. It was accompanied by two F-16s."

Are you fucking kidding me right meow?

No one thought that this might be a bad fucking idea?


"The president was furious about it," one of the officials said. The incident outraged many New Yorkers, including Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

"First thing is, I'm annoyed -- furious is a better word -- that I wasn't told," he said, calling the aviation administration's decision to withhold details about the flight "ridiculous" and "poor judgment."

"Why the Defense Department wanted to do a photo op right around the site of the World Trade Center defies the imagination," he said. "Had we known, I would have asked them not to."

I take the president at his word. I can't imagine he knew about this. But he should have. As my Independence neighbor, Harry Truman said, "the buck stops here". The president is the captain of the ship and this never should have been allowed to happen.

It didn't require a public policy expert, a renowned historian, or a public relations consultant to prevent this from happening.

All it required was someone older than 8 years old with more than 32 brain cells to say "Nah, that's all kinds of fucked up stupid. Don't do it. It will scare people."

If I were the conspiratorial sort, I would be tempted to suggest that some ill-wishing insiders set this up on purpose to embarrass Obama. Yes, I think the enemies of this aministration are just that devious and self serving.

In reality I think this was just a MASSIVE FUBAR. But this type of shit cannot continue.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Resolute Desk

I love the history of The President's desk. It was made from the oak timbers of a former British warship and was a gift from Queen Victoria.

"The President's Desk
Many presidents have used the Resolute desk in the Oval Office or the their study in the Residence. It was made from the timbers of HMS Resolute, an abandoned British ship discovered by an American vessel and returned to the Queen of England as a token of friendship and goodwill. When the ship was retired, Queen Victoria commissioned the desk from William Evenden, Royal Naval Dockyard at Chatham, England, and presented to President Rutherford Hayes in 1880.

The desk has twice been modified. Franklin Roosevelt had the whole desk raised on a 2 inch base to accommodate his wheelchair. He also requested that the kneehole be fitted with a modesty panel carved with the presidential seal (he preferred people not see his leg braces and often placed a waste basket in front of his desks), but he did not live to see it installed. However, President Truman liked the eagle motif and had it installed when he came into office in 1945.

Every president since Hayes—except Presidents Johnson, Nixon, and Ford—has used the Resolute desk, although some chose to use it in their private study in the Residence. The desk was made famous in part by a photograph of John Kennedy at work while his son, John Jr., peeked out the front through the kneehole panel"

I mean, it's not as cool as MY desk...

...but it's a pretty cool fucking desk.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Soldiers' Angels

When I headed out to the monthly Outlaw Cigar Party this morning my only focus was free beer, free BBQ, and free eye candy.

But when I got there I noticed a change.

Instead of everything being completely free, they were asking for a $5.00 donation if you wanted a paper plate to put your food on.

Five dollars for a paper plate?!

Hell yes!

Happily paid with much gratitude. Because the money was going to an organization called Soldiers Angels.

I'd never heard of this organization before. But they are amazing.

Today's focus was on First Response Backpacks

"When military personnel are injured or wounded, treatment and transportation occur with such speed that sometimes their gear and personal items never catch up with them. They are often evacuated wearing the same clothing they wore when they were wounded--clothing that is often damaged in action or removed during treatment--and soon find themselves without easy access to basic supplies.
To address this situation, Soldiers' Angels created the First Response Backpacks in partnership with The Military Order of the Purple Heart (MOPH) and The backpacks provide a full set of travel-sized toiletries and accessories (such as toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, shampoo, and soap), an international calling card, and a handmade Blanket of Hope. Each backpack includes clothing specially-designed by Sew Much Comfort to be easily donned by those with serious wounds and to give relief from drafty hospital gowns. We also include a zippered, hooded sweatshirt with the Soldiers' Angels logo."

When I got home and investigated Soldiers' Angel's further, I was even more impressed. The support they provide to our troops is amazing.

Adopt a Soldier - Individualized support throughout deployment
"The length of each adoption depends on the branch of service your soldier is in and a number of other factors, but generally averages between six (6) months to twelve (12) months. On occasion, they can be extended, but this is the average. When you adopt you are committing to sending a card or letter each week, and a minimum of 1 or 2 care packages a month. This is one of the most important things that can be done to help bring home a healthy hero; it is so very important for each of them to know they are loved and supported, and your letters and care packages prove just that."

Angel Bakers - Homemade treats for the deployed.
"The Angel Bakers are a group of highly dedicated Soldiers’ Angels who bake homemade treats for our deployed military heroes.

Each month the Angel Bakers send specially-made cookies, brownies, and other treats to units identified by Soldiers’ Angels as needing extra Angel love. They may have been through an especially difficult experience during their deployment, living in especially trying conditions, or in need of a morale boost for a job well done. Our aim is to show our heroes how much people back home appreciate and care about them."

Blankets of Gratitude - Handcrafted love for hospitalized veterans
"This winter, thousands of veterans will spend time in a VA hospital or facility, away from the warmth of home, family and friends.

We want them to know that they are remembered, that we are thinking of them, and that we are grateful for their past service. Since we can't visit them all in person, our goal is to wrap 25,000 of these Veterans in lap robes, representative of our support and appreciation, called "Blankets of Gratitude." The lap robes will be a physical reminder that they are not alone. When a veteran receives a Blanket of Gratitude, he or she will know that somebody remembered them, that somebody labored over a handmade robe with thoughts of them and hopes or prayers for their health and comfort."

Blankets of Hope - Handcrafted comfort for the wounded

"The Blankets of Hope team creates unique, handmade blankets to send hope, support and gratitude to America's wounded and veterans. Used on hospital beds, wheelchairs, and transport litters on medevac flights, Blankets of Hope bring the message that each servicemember is loved and not forgotten. They are included in our First Response Backpacks and Vet Packs sent to Combat Support Hospitals in the war zones, major medical facilities in Germany and around the world, and selected military hospitals and veterans centers here at home."

Cards Plus Team - Extra TLC for soldiers & families

"The Cards Plus Team is dedicated to supporting service members, their families, and even Angels with encouraging or celebratory cards and notes. Cards can be requested for deployed soldiers for:



Thinking of you/Get well


New baby

Welcome home"

Chaplain Support Team - Help chaplains support the troops

"The Chaplains Support Team (CST) provides direct support to the military chaplains as they bring comfort and assistance to the soldiers they serve. The chaplains perform most of their duties in a non-denominational capacity, and it is these non-denominational activities that the CST supports.

We supply Chaplains with requested items related to their mission, and requested numbers of hand-out letters and gifts that can be easily distributed to those needing assistance whom Soldiers' Angels may not otherwise be able to locate and support. Items shipped can include everything from non-denominational chapel supplies to delicious food items for special group meals, cards for the deployed to send to family members for holidays and birthdays, and things like games, sports equipment, or books for recreation."

Community Team Leaders (CTLs) - Representing Soldiers' Angels at home

Eagle Cane Project - Handmade canes for the wounded

"Inspired in 2004 by a national news story on returning veterans suffering limb loss, Jack Nitz realized that there was something that he could do as a woodcarver and cane maker to demonstrate support for and bring honor to wounded veterans. He conceived of carving symbolic "Presentation" canes - not as an every day use object - but as an artistic representation of support and respect. The Eagle Cane Project was born in 2004 at Eastern Oklahoma Woodcarvers Association meetings and has since spread to a nationwide network of carving associations.

Where possible, canes are made by woodworkers in the veteran's home state and presented in person. When that is not possible, Soldiers' Angels covers the cost of shipping these valuable and beautiful canes to their recipients. Since February 2007, Soldiers' Angels has shipped over 229 presentation canes for the Eagle Cane Project nationwide, as well as several boxes of therapy canes for use in rehabilitation facilities. Visit the Eagle Cane Project webiste to request a cane or join the project."

First Response Backpacks - Supplies for wounded in-country
(As referenced above)

Hero Flights - Emergency travel assistance

"Hero Flights' mission is to serve our heroes and their families in times of great need by providing airline flights and other travel accommodations.

When our deployed troops need to get back home immediately because of a death or serious family illness, Hero Flights is activated. When a spouse or parent of a wounded service member needs to get to the hospital where their loved one has been transported, Hero Flights is activated. When the family members or our fallen heroes need to get to their memorials, Hero Flights is activated. These men, women and families have made great sacrifices for us, and we stand ready to assist them at all times. In the first three months of 2008, Hero Flights provided 286 flights, as well as lodging for six families while they visited wounded service members, and transportation for three units to go home on their pre-deployment leave."

Hero Packs - Care packages

"Send Care Packges to your aSoldier, Sailor, Marine, Airman or Coast Guardsman or Any hero!
For a donation of $23, a Hero Pack will be sent out to a new hero to Soldiers' Angels or your hero of choice. This kit includes:

A note from you
Or a thank you for your service letter
1 - Lip Balm
2 - Powdered Drink (Hot Cocoa in the winter, Gatorade in the summer)
2 - Hygeine

Welch's® Fruit Snacks (1), Sun Maid® Raisins (1), Planters® Honey Roasted Peanuts (1), Planters® Sunflower Kernels (1), Kars® Sweet 'N Salty Mix (1), Lowrey's Original Beef Jerky (3), Nature Valley® Oats 'N Honey Granola Bar (1), Kellogg's® NutriGrain Blueberry Cereal Bar (1), Nabisco® Mini Chips Ahoy Cookies (1), Act II Butter Popcorn (1), Nabisco® Ritz Bits® with Cheese (1), Chex Mix (1), Pringles® Original Potato Crisps (1), Pringles® Sour Cream & Onion Potato Crisps (1), Wrigley's® Juicy Fruit Chewing Gum (2), Lifesavers® 5 Flavor (1), Thank you

Plus, you can add one of the following items to the Hero Packs if you would like:

Snack Pack +$6.00

Sand Scarf + $6.00
Cool Scarf + $6.00
AT&T Global Calling Card + $11.00
COMBO: Sand Scarf and AT&T Calling Card + $15.00
COMBO: Cool Scarf and AT&T Calling Card + $15.00
BEST VALUE!!! Add Sand Scarf, Cool Scarf and AT&T Calling Card for an additional $17
10 Otter Pops + $3.00"

K-9 Support - Caring for military working dogs and their handlers
"We are the lifeline of Soldiers' Angels to the U.S. military dog teams, making sure both dogs and handlers have what they need when they need it, whether it be for work or a well-earned break.

Military working dog teams are very special, highly-trained units. The dogs perform important duties such as sniffing out explosives and weapons, chasing down bad guys, and alerting their handlers to danger. A happy dog is a dog that loves his job and does it well, but the dogs can stress out just like their handlers or any other soldier, affecting their job performance. So, we work to help both dog and human have down time, and make sure they know we support them."

Ladies of Liberty - Extra TLC for deployed females
"The Ladies of Liberty team of Soldiers' Angels focuses on the needs of deployed female servicemembers. We understand that females are instrumental in the current war (as in the past), and make special efforts to support them in their missions while showcasing our appreciation for their service. We assist with supplies for their unique health and hygiene needs, and help them experience a few pampering moments to rejuvenate and "be good to themselves."

Letter Writing Team - Personal letters for the deployed
"The Letter Writing Team (LWT) is made up of registered Soldiers' Angels who enjoy writing to our heroes, and who know how important it is to hear your name called at mail call (sadly some soldiers get no mail at all from back home). We select names from those that submit themselves through the Soldiers' Angel website and have indicated that they would like to receive additional support. These soldiers are also assigned an Angel to provide ongoing support, but our team provides them with some extra cards and letters."

Living Legends - Remembering the fallen and their families
"The Living Legends team conducts one of the most delicate and demanding missions of Soldiers' Angels: comforting the loved ones left behind when a warrior falls on the battlefield. Our goal is to make sure families and friends of America's fallen heroes know that they are supported and that their loved ones' sacrifices are honored and respected.

Living Legends began in May 2005 with a very small team of seven dedicated angels. It has grown significantly since then, and is now staffed entirely with trained volunteers.

Members of this special team send sympathy cards to grieving families to convey our compassion and heavy hearts--we reach out and wrap our "Angel Wings" around the families and loved ones who have lost so much. We also offer each family a wreath or live memorial tree to be planted as a symbol of our deepest sympathies and respect for their loss. Our hope is that this tree will grow and flourish, giving the family and friends a living monument to the honor and bravery of their loved one. In addition, we send out "Remembering" emails or cards on the anniversary of a fallen heroe's death, so that their families know we will never forget them and their sacrifice."

Memorial Portraits - Drawings for families of the fallen
"Using the family’s favorite photo, portrait artist Michael Reagan creates professional, custom, hand-drawn portraits free of charge to the families of all servicemen and women who have been killed in Iraq and Afghanistan in America’s War Against Terrorism from portrait artist Michael Reagan."

Operation Birthday Cake - Shipping gourmet birthday cakes to deployed troops
"Thanks to a cooperative project between Soldiers' Angels and Bake me a Wish, deployed service members can receive birthday cakes from patriotic Americans. For every Freedom Cake purchased on Bake Me a Wish, a birthday cake will be sent to a service member in the customer's name. Bake Me a Wish will generously donate their delicious birthday cakes, and Soldiers' Angels will send each one on its way."

Operation Outreach - Supporting families waiting at home
"Although our primary request is for cards and letters of support for family members, Operation Outreach also provides gifts to help with make a birthday or holiday special, coordinates with Angels in local areas to provide ongoing support, links military families with "e-pals" or pen pals who know what they're going through, and provides limited financial assistance in special situations."

Operation Phone Home - Calling cards
"Time with loved ones is one of the most treasured things for a deployed soldier and family. With that in mind, Soldiers' Angels has partnered with AT&T to create special Soldiers Angels/AT&T Global PrePaid Calling Cards. AT&T calling cards are the most widely-accepted phone card in the Middle East, and in some areas they are the only brand that can be used. These special cards include a recorded message of thanks from Soldiers' Angels, and can be used from wherever service members are stationed around the world, on land or at sea."

Operation Top Knot - Handmade gifts & virtual baby showers
"Founded by college student Audri Cid in November 2003, Top Knot is a nationwide network of service clubs and individuals who sew, knit and shop to create gift baskets for infants and expectant mothers in military families. Deployments are difficult on the entire family unit, but even moreso when that family is expecting or has an infant child. Our mission is to commend the women and children at home for their strength, to let them know we are proud of their sacrifices as well as their husbands' and fathers', and most importantly, to do what we can to support them during the emotionally challenging times of deployment.

Our dedicated volunteers knit, crochet, sew, quilt, and design blankets, booties, hats, onesies, bibs, and many more homemade gifts. We also assemble and deliver gift baskets full of goodies such as bottles, diapers, onesies, pacifiers, washcloths, grooming kits, and more. Additionally, we make sure to remember Dad by sending "It's a Boy!" or "It's a Girl!" bubblegum cigars to wherever he is stationed."

Scarves - Handmade heat and sand protection
"Made of 100% knit cotton, Sand Scarves are used to protect wearers from the elements of the deserts of the Middle East. They keep sand from nostrils and mouth, and when tucked into the shirt, prevent sand from getting inside clothing. They are simple to make, but extremely effective.

Protect face, neck and ears from dust, sand, mosquitoes, ticks, gnats, etc.
Assist with breathing in blowing wind, and protect from sand and other debris
Good for all weather climates
Great for sand, desert and wooded environments

If you would like to help make Sand Scarves, see "How You Can Help" for the link to join the team! If you know of deployed personnel who could use Sand Scarves, or you have questions about the Scarves program that are not answered in the information and links above, please email the Sand Scarves Leader."

SOS:Kids - Helping deployed soldiers help local kids
"In response to these needs and opportunities, Operation SOS:Kids sends humanitarian relief through shipments to American soldiers for distribution to children in Iraq and Afghanistan, and other areas where our heroes are deployed.

Some of the heroes this project has supported:

A sergeant with a medical unit requesting candy and small toys for the children they treat
A first lieutenant requesting school supplies to help get local schools going
A staff sergeant in Afghanistan requesting school supplies and other items to help local children
A tech sergeant seeking items for the children his unit comes in contact with every day

People in war-torn areas have so little and have been through so much. The children need food, clothing, school supplies, and personal hygiene items. And the occasional toy or treat puts a huge smile on a child's face! By reaching out and helping to meet some of their needs, our soldiers can also establish all-important good relationships with the people they're living near and working with--developing the friendship, trust, and intelligence sources that help keep our troops safe and secure in the areas in which they're based."

Tank Support - Helping Veterans Travel to Medical Appointments
"Help a Returning Veteran Get Proper Healthcare!

Thousands of troops are returning home and require regular trips to their local VA Hospital for evaluation, treatment or rehabilitation, and regular healthcare. However, these vital trips can be a financial burden for some veterans. Now SVM and the Soldiers’ Angels VA Team are stepping up to help with the Tank Support program.

Grateful Americans can help give a veteran some “tank support” by purchasing gasoline gift cards from SVM. All gift cards received will be used to help ensure returning OEF/OIF veterans get the regular checkups and medical care they need, and SVM donates $1 to the Tank Support effort for each purchase made through their website (up to $10,000).

“It’s so important that our returning heroes get regular evaluations"

Valour-IT - Adaptive laptops for the wounded
"Project Valour-IT, in memory of SFC William V. Ziegenfuss, helps provide voice-controlled/adaptive laptop computers and other technology to support Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines recovering from hand wounds and other severe injuries."

VA Crochet & Craft - Handmade comfort & dignity for hospitalized Vets
"The VA Crochet & Craft Team makes and sends lapghans (blankets), hats, scarves, trach/stoma bibs, catheter bag covers, ditty bags, wheelchair/walker totes and slipper socks to VA medical facilities around the country. Members use their sewing, knitting, crocheting and other crafting skills to help provide comfort and dignity to hospitalized veterans while showing them that they are loved and remembered."

Veterans Support - Assisting veterans facilities
"The Soldiers Angels Veteran Affairs Support Team assists patients at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs medical centers, nursing homes and Stand Downs. This support can range from visiting patients to providing comfort items and clothing, to sponsoring special events like BBQs or assisting VA facilities with large-scale efforts to improve in-patients' quality of life."

Wounded TLC - Letters and care packages for the wounded
"The Wounded TLC Team is comprised of registered Soldiers’ Angels who want to make a big difference and lend support during the difficult time when a hero is ill or wounded. Knowing they continue to be remembered when no longer deployed can be a huge boost to wounded warriors who face months and years of recovery.

This team is the core of the Wounded Warrior Support efforts of Soldiers' Angels, and a vital part of helping the wounded recover both physically and emotionally for their challenges. Team members send cards and letters of support to service members who are sometimes suffering catastrophic injuries and need to know they are not forgotten. The only commitment is to send a card/letter a week. Individual packages are not sent, but sometimes there are requests for supplies for hospitals or a particular soldier's need."

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Boy finds forgotten gun, accidentally shoots self in head

"MIAMI, Florida (CNN) -- A Florida boy remains in stable condition just days after he found his parents' long-forgotten handgun in a closet and accidentally shot himself in the head.

Police are deciding whether or not to charge parents after their son found a forgotten gun and shot himself.

Sheriff's detectives in Pinellas County, Florida, near St. Petersburg, say the boy found the .25-caliber European semi-automatic handgun in a box in a closet in their home."


As a responsible parent, how the fuck do you "forget" you own a loaded fucking gun? How do you not know EXACTLY where it is and whether it's loaded or not 24/7?

You have to prove knowledge of applicable laws and demonstrate before a qualified instructor that you know how to operate a vehicle safely before you can be granted a license to operate a motor vehicle.

But any ignorant, hillbilly, fucktard with a pocketfull of cash can buy a gun and have a kid.

That's fucked up.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Things That Make Me Happy and Give Me Hope





Obama takes some early licks at Summit

Hey, peoples. Well, President Obama is in Trinidad for the Summit and the opening ceremony is underway as I type. Already President of Nicaragua Daniel Ortega Saveedra is tearing some holes in US foreign policy; Obama will have a lot of work to do to win over the leaders in this part of the region.

I can't wait to hear Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez's speech. He was very pleasant when he met the President earlier, so we'll see.

Disappointingly First Lady Michele Obama stayed home, and I suspect she might have gone a long way to smooth things over with her effortless charm.

I'm watching a very drizzly, audio deficient feed from a Trini network. I'm also following on twitter here.

Latin American leaders have a reputation for being very verbose, so this ceremony could go on all night....

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Summit of the Americas

Hey, peoples. It's been a hectic week so I'm now getting around to posting. Hope all is well with you and yours.

Well, all eyes will be focused over the next few days on Trinidad, where President Barack Obama will be attending the 5th Summit of the Americas. I must admit now that although I would have been thrilled to get a glimpse of Mr. President, I don't think we could afford the expense that comes with hosting him. Reports suggest that T&T is spending TT$1.2 billion on the summit....thank God they have oil money. No bosie, it doesn't make sense putting ourselves in the poor house to put on a good show for the Americans.

Part of the President's surveillance has been set up here at the Grantley Adams International Airport, and I imagine all their satellites must be trained on Trinidad at this moment. All the criminals will probably be lying low this weekend....

Hopefully all will go well, even though the preparations have hit a few snags.

Anyhoo, Cuba has gotten a little ease from the Leader of the free world, so let's see what the rest of us will get out of this Summit.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Conservatives Are Freeloaders!

Conservatives want to accumulate wealth, and enjoy all of the other advantages of living in a free, safe, capitalist society without having to pay for any of the physical, legal or societal infrastructure that makes that way of life possible.

They want to be absolutely free and unfettered to manipulate us and sell us shit and devise creative ways to separate us from our money to enrich themselves.

They want to ride us like Red Pollard rode Sea Biscuit without so much as a happy-finish rub down after the race.

But they don't want to be taxed to pay for the Interstate Highway system that makes commerce possible. That's "pork".

They don't want to be taxed for Unemployment Benefits, Medicare, Medicaid or Social Security because that's "socialism". Never mind the fact that the people collecting those benefits are folks on the edge of poverty that the conservatives fired to increase their profit margins so that they don't have to give up one of their 7 houses.

They don't want to be taxed to provide full medical end education benefits to the young men and women who serve in our Armed Forces and keep our country safe. "It's an all volunteer force! Nobody forced them to enlist! We paid them, put a roof over their heads and gave them 3 MREs a day. They knew what they were getting into! What's the problem?"

They don't want to be taxed to provide full medical and education benefits to the citizens of this country who work their asses off to make the rich richer. Shit happens. If you get bad sick, be prepared to sell your house, your car and beg everyone in your family and town to do the same so you can afford the medical treatments that MIGHT keep you alive from the doctors who make over $250,000.00 a year.

They don't want to be taxed to fund the basic research conducted by scientists and students at our universities that make the major scientific breakthroughs that create new products, new markets, and new opportunities for new wealth. I feel compelled to remind all readers that the precursor to the Internet that you are using right now was the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET) which was tax payer funded research project. It was not a "small business, entrepreneurial" effort.

They don't want to be taxed to fund government institutions designed to look over their shoulders to make sure they aren't lying to people and stealing their money. They have been enabled in this by 8 years of the Bush administration. Which is exactly why we are where we are today. Because we let the financial industry run wild, create "vapor wealth", while the people in charge looked the other way knowing that as soon as they got out of government service they could hump that pooch for all the cash it was worth.

Today, these selfish, greedy conservatives are overestimating the attendance of other selfish, greedy, brainless Fox-Zombies at their inherently racist "Tea Parties".

I say racist because the Boston Tea Party on which these "Taxed Enough Already" protests are modelled involved colonists committing what were at the time criminal acts while dressed in such a way as to deflect the blame to our indigenous population.

"It was now evening, and I immediately dressed myself in the costume of an Indian, equipped with a small hatchet, which I and my associates denominated the tomahawk, with which, and a club, after having painted my face and hands with coal dust in the shop of a blacksmith, I repaired to Griffin's wharf, where the ships lay that contained the tea. When I first appeared in the street after being thus disguised, I fell in with many who were dressed, equipped and painted as I was, and who fell in with me and marched in order to the place of our destination."

If they were true patriots, why did they try to blame Native Americans? Why didn't they stand up and declare themselves as True American Patriots and consequences be damned!

Because just like the Tea-Baggers faux-protesting today, they are hypocrites. They want the benefits of America without paying the costs to support America.

You want "small government"? I have a role model for you. Somalia. They haven't had ANY government in 18 years! It's a Republican paradise! Unfettered capitalism! Entrepenuers Gone Wild!


Monday, April 13, 2009

Finally. The Supremacy of Rationality.

As you may know, I follow a handfull of radical, right wing blogs.

The most rabid, foaming at the mouth, insane, right wing nut job is without a doubt "Mike's America".

This guy had his panties in a twist over (his headline) "Michelle and Barack Behaving Like Low Rent Tourists at London Summit"

Putting aside for a moment the blatant racism in referring to our President and First Lady as "low rent tourists", let's look at his specific complaints.

These two were supposed to improve our image around the world?

"With all the faux pas coming from both Michelle and Barack Obama during the London summit one wonders whether it might be necessary to install a teleprompter in the room to give them instructions.

Curt has the photo of Obama bowing to the Saudi King in the presence of other world leaders. No previous American President has ever bowed to a foreign leader. Doing so here suggests submission to the ruler of the land of Islam's holiest sites. But of course we all know Obama is not a Muslim (he told us so didn't he?) so why bow?"

Again, you have this not-so-subtle suggestion that our President is some sort of Manchurian Candidate Muslim sleeper agent. I'm no expert on diplomatic protocol, but paying respect to the leader of another soverign nation, especially at the first meeting, seems entirely appropriate to me.

Every American President on an international diplomatic trip is coached on what to do and what not to do to show respect and not give offense to the leaders of other countries. Foreign Leaders coming to the United States recieve similar coaching from their advisors on how to engage and address our president.

For President Obama to give a brief, polite (not subservient) bow to the King of one of our allies (that's a whole other issue...don't even get me started) at a G20 Summit does not seem to be that big of a deal.

Certainly not as big of a deal as President Bush holding the same King's hand on a long, romantic walk at the ever so private and secluded Camp David.

You tell me, who comes away with more Presidential dignity intact...Obama or Bush?

Then there was the whole matter of Mchelle Obama "touching" the Queen of England! Egads! What cheek! Rather! Bloody Hell!

Michelle Violates Royal Protocol By Embracing the Queen

"Nearly everyone but a Chicago politician's wife knows you don't go up and touch the person of the British Monarch. It... is... just... not... done!"

[xo - he says this as if he were still a subject of the British Crown! Such righteous indignation!]

"But Michelle Obama did it and the usual apologists are knocking each other over trying to make excuses."

[xo - Apparently, the "usual apologists" include Buckingham Palace - "It was a controversial moment as Michelle Obama broke royal protocol and puts her arms around Queen Elizabeth II. However, what may be unclear to some is that it was the Queen who first made the warm gesture of friendship, putting her arm around the First Lady.

The now-controversial embrace happened at a Buckingham Palace reception for world leaders. No one can remember a similar gesture by the Queen during her entire 57 year reign.

Traditionally, no one is supposed to touch the queen so informally, but a Buckingham Palace spokesman told INSIDE EDITION:

"It was a mutual and spontaneous display of affection and appreciation between the Queen and Michelle Obama. There is no offense. There's no breach of protocol."]

But apparently Mike disagrees.

"Whatever you want to say about former President and Mrs. Bush they knew how to behave. They were well schooled in the do's and don't of protocol and formal events. Barack and Michelle are proving to be embarrassing bumblers who are making the U.S. a laughingstock overseas."

*** sputter ***

"They were well schooled in the do's and don't of protocol and formal events"

Oh, so George Dubya Bush just knew that German Chancellor Angela Merkel secretly wanted an impromptu shoulder rub from the American President in front of the international press at the G8 Conference?

"How 'bout you Berlusconi? You want a shoulder rub?"

Oh yes. Such dignity.

Apparently it is also OK to spew obscenities about one country to the leader of another country while chomping around a mouthful of food like a Ray County hillbilly. Nice!

Obama is absolutely right to be apologizing to Europe and the world for the last 8 years of arrogance on the part of the United States.

I hope we keep apologizing until the rest of the world only vaguely remembers that brief, embarassing, and ultimately inconsequential period of history when The United States of America suffered through 8 years of temporary insanity, completely abandonded everything it ever stood for, and sank to the lowest depths of the enemies it swore to fight against.

It's time to start the long, slow climb out of the deep hole of shame and hypocrisy we have dug for ourself.

A Public Service Announcement

This is Frodo Baggins

This is Frodo Baggins on crack

Don't do crack.

That is all.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Stupid, It Burns

BERLIN, Germany (CNN) -- A polar bear attacked a woman at Berlin Zoo Friday afternoon after she climbed a fence and jumped into its habitat during feeding time, police said Saturday.

The bear attacks the woman during feeding time at the zoo.

One adult polar bit her several times after she plunged into the moat, police said.

Zoo workers tossed rescue rings toward the woman to hoist her out and distract polar bears swimming nearby, said Goerg Gebhard, a Berlin police officer.

"They saved her life," Gebhard told CNN.

The woman was severely injured and was being treated at a hospital, police said.

It's unclear why the woman entered the bear habitat, but police issued her a citation for trespassing.

Vintage Neckties Make a Come Back

After seeing my uber-cool Silver Surfer tie hanging in my closet, my 15 year old daughter, young Galadriel Tanqueray Onassis, asked if she could wear it.

So I put it on, tied it for her, slipped it over my head and let her have it.

She liked the way it looked on her and asked if I had any more ties.

Of course, I do. I worked for the biggest telcom in the world for almost 20 years. Suits and ties were required. "Dress down Friday" just meant that you could wear Dockers, a dress shirt and a sport coat without a tie.

I gave away all of my suits years ago, but I still had a rack of ties. So I pulled out a few I thought she might like.

The first was the one I always thought of as my "12th & Vine" tie.

It had a cool jazz vibe and brought me comfort in the cultural desolation that was Corporate New Jersey in the late '80's.

She declared it hideous and wanted nothing to do with it. Fine! H8R! Whatevies!

She likes The Beatles so I thought she might like this tie.

Yeah, she didn't get the connection either, so I had to show her the label.

Didn't matter. She still thought it was stupid and didn't want it.

So I pulled out one of my old favorites.

She liked that one a lot!

So now she has this one and the Silver Surfer tie in her stylin' teen wardrobe. I wonder if she'll notice the name on the label.

That's right. Its a Jerry Garcia tie.

Because, as we all know, Garcia's biggest claim to fame was being a well-groomed, GQ clothes-horse who refused to perform or be photographed in anything approaching "casual attire".

As for necktie knots, I use the Half Windsor.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Top 10 fave 80s mystery/detective tv shows

Tomorrow's a holiday here in Barbados, so I'm starting the weekend early with another list of faves.

It's no secret that I loved 80s tv. (I was a schoolkid then so I had a lot of time (homework permitting) to indulge in being a couch potato.) In retrospect, as corny as the 80s were in terms of fashion, that decade produced some of the best television shows to date.

I had a hard time trying to rank my favorites because there were so many and oh so good, but I did the best I could. Today I'm listing my fave mystery/detective shows, so this post doesn't include some of my old adventure faves like Knight Rider, A-Team, Street Hawk and Battlestar Galactica. I'll deal with them another day.

Well, here's my list. Let me know your faves and we'll take a walk down memory lane together.
10. Hill Street Blues (1981-1987)
Long before the Law and Order and CSI franchises existed, the police drama that had everyone talking was Hill Street Blues. The gritty, award winning show boasted a talented ensemble cast, and yielded a future director in Betty Thomas (Sgt. Lucy Bates) and Emmy winner in Dennis Franz who later went on to NYPD Blue. What I especially remember about Hill Street Blues was the roll call at the beginning of each show, and the sergeant who would also warn the officers to "be careful out there".
9. Matlock (1986-1995)
Andy Griffith's bumbling style in the legal drama Matlock was an excellent cover; the bad guys always thought they had outwitted him and then he would tie them up in legal knots on the witness stand. I liked to watch the show as well to see if Matlock would wear any other suit apart from a white one. He never did.
8. Murder She Wrote (1984-1996)
I loved me some Jessica Fletcher. Who would have thought that the premise of a elderly author solving mysteries would work? Millions tuned in weekly to watch Ms. Fletcher solve mysteries, and somehow she always got the bad guy/gal to confess, with the police waiting conveniently outside. And she only got into a physical altercation once that I remembered. Criminals were obviously softies on that show....
7. Simon and Simon (1981-1989)
Rick and AJ Simon were as different as brothers could be, and their contrasting approach to detective work was the heart of the show. Gerald McRaney (Rick) went on to other roles in Promised Land, Jericho and Deadwood. Jameson Parker (AJ) I never saw on tv again.
6. Miami Vice (1984-1989)
Miami Vice was more than a tv show, it was an assault on the senses. Men in pastel colours (shocker!), sun-drenched beaches, half-naked women, power boats and crocodiles made for a powerful aphrodisiac. And oh, Don Johnson wasn't bad to look at either.
5. Hunter (1984-1991)
Fred Dryer (Sgt Rick Hunter) was like a modern day Dirty Harry with his big gun and wisecracking attitude. Hunter could never drive a car without crashing it, so his partner Dee Dee McCall never let him drive her hot ride, a red Dodge Daytona, if I remember correctly. His catchphrase was "It works for me", and this series worked for me as well.
4. Magnum P.I. (1980-1988)
To this day I still dream of visitig Hawaii because of the lush scenery I glimpsed on Magnum P.I.. Also, because of the show's star Tom Selleck, moustaches and Hawaii shirts became ver popular. I also have fond memories of Higgins, TC, Rick and of course, the Dobermans.
3. Macgyver (1985-1992)
To show the popularity of this show, even now when people rig up some contraption or other, it's described as "macgyvering". Richard Dean Anderson could manufacture a weapon or an escape device out of anything it seemed, which was a good thing since he always seemed to be in a tight spot. Anderson later went on to fame in Stargate SG-1, but to me he'll always be Macgyver.
2. Remington Steele (1982-1987)
I believe Pierce Brosnan was destined to play James Bond. His stint on Remington Steele proved he looked good in a suit, could think on his feet and had charm to spare. Co-star Laura Holt (Stephanie Zimbalist) didn't stand a chance against him and we fell in love with him right along with her.
1. Moonlighting (1985-1989)
"We'll walk by night, we'll fly by day, moonlight strangers, who just met on the way..."

Al Jarreau's theme song for the smash hit Moonlighting is synonymous with the show which introduced Bruce Willis to the world and oh yeah, Cybill Shepherd starred in it too.

But seriously, the love/hate relationship between David Addison and Maddie Hayes was the centre of the show, and frankly it wasn't the same after they hooked up. The witty dialogue and sexual tension between the co-stars are unmatched to this day.

Anyhoo folks, have a Blessed Easter and see you next week, si dieu veux.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Retired boat captain Andrew Burke passes

I would like to extend condolences to the family and friends of the late Owen Andrew Burke, who passed away last weekend after a long battle with cancer.

Burke, who had lost an arm and collarbone to the disease, came to the public's attention in February last year when he sailed solo around Barbados for charity. In January, Burke was awarded with a Silver Crown of Merit by the Governor General.

I didn't know Mr. Burke personally, but he seemed like a courageous man with a good heart.

May he rest in peace.


Monday, April 6, 2009

Chris Brown pleads not guilty to assaulting Rihanna

A sombre-looking Chris Brown pleaded not guilty in a Los Angeles courtroom a few hours ago to two felony counts – assault and making criminal threats – in the alleged Feb. 8 beating of his girlfriend Rihanna.

You can read more here.

And this drama isn't going to be over anytime soon...Brown is due back in court on April 29.


Rihanna parties in Barbados; Brown goes to court

Hi, peoples, hope you all had a good weekend.

Well, Rihanna was home this weekend to attend her grandparents' 50th wedding anniversary party, and she also took the time to attend the reggae show at the National Stadium on Friday night.

I hope this guy (is that Rihanna's brother?) doesn't step back on that Banks bottle...

Hi, there Sizzla. Bless up!

Looks like even the Prime Minister has more of a social life than me these days....

Anyhoo, as I type Rihanna's ex-boyfriend Chris Brown is appearing in a LA court on assault charges. Hip has a live stream of the action outside the courtroom, for all those of you are interested.

On another note, I won't bother ask what in the frazzled mop hell is going on with Rih's hair these days, these are some trying times for her so I'll leave well enough alone....
